How to troubleshoot when the server is down?

How to troubleshoot when the server is down? The main step is we should continuously monitor our servers to catch the potential problems as early as possible. This can be done by performing routine maintenance such as disk defragging, performing hot fixes on operating systems and service packs, reviewing event logs for error messages. Server problems are usually could be because of hardware problems or because of operating system configuration problems or Application/service related problems. If there is Loss of connectivity: 1.Check all cable connections. 2.Check TCP/IP stack by pinging loopback address. 3.Check network connectivity by pinging another computer on the network. 4.Check internetwork connectivity by pinging a computer on another subnet. 5.Check IP address and default gateway settings. 6.Check DNS and WINS settings for name resolution problems. 7.Check proxy settings. 8.Check security policies and authentication settings. First determine what sorts of problems are: If the Operating problems such as STOP errors or unexpected reboots could be because of hardware problems because of fault memory or dying power supply. Some of the common operating problems are 1.When there is a BSOD (Blue screen of death): This is caused by hardware problems and issues with lowlevel software running in the Windows kernel. It occurs when Windows encounters a “STOP Error.” This critical failure causes Windows to crash and stop working. This can be fixed if you start in safe mode or carry out some System Restore. 2.When there is a Failure to boot: Failure of computer to boot can be as a result of a corrupt operating system or some new changes in systems boot order. This can be checked with the BIOS setup and try to look at the boot sequence. If that does not work, then reinstall the Windows operating system since the problem could be serious. 3. When there is Improper shutdown Sometimes computer may shutdown improperly due to instances of power loss or crushing. In such case ,restarting the computer might not take us directly to Windows and hence we should run Windows Error Recovery which automatically checks the file system and drives for any problems. So that all system files are placed in their right positions and Windows now starts without any problems. 4.When there is a Spontaneous shutdown/restart This problem occurs when computer keeps looping over the start-up process where it appears to be starting and then restarts. In such a case, the first step should be to try and establish the occurrence point of the problem either in the course of the BIOS check where the Power on Self test is undergoing among some other possible reasons. Once that is established, then it easily decide if the problem is hardware related or related to the Windows configuration. 5.When RAID not detected during installation This is an error message that tends to appear when installing an operating system and some of the files required are not found. In such a case, open the registry in safe mode to check for the files or restart the installation process with a new installation media. 6.When the Device fails to start Failure of device can results from a computer crash or some other hardware related problems. In such a case, try to carry out hardware diagnostics so as to try and establish the problem. Then boot the computer from a Windows installation media to try to restart the computer. 7. When there is Missing dll message The missing dll message mainly appears when the dynamic link libraries are missing because of using many third party applications. Dlls have many different versions and therefore a lack of update can lead to such a pop-up message. It’s dangerous to Overwrite older versions with new versions because of possible malfunction. 8. When Services fail to start Sometimes when we start the system we receive a Pop up message saying there is failure in starting one or more services .During that time we can manually start services at the windows services to see if any of the services will fail. 9. When there is Compatibility error The Windows operating system compatibility error mainly appears when some of the old application versions are not working properly after a windows upgrade. In such cases, Windows has an in-built capability which allows to change the compatibility of the applications. You can choose to run the program in its compatibility mode ,even the old and out-dated applications can also run in a new version of Windows as long as they are in their compatibility mode. 10.When there is a Slow system performance A slow system performance can be fixed by installing the latest versions of all items running in computer system such as the operating system, drivers and applications. All security patches should be up to date and all Windows updates should functional. Slow system performance could be as a result of some in-built configurations such as running the CPU slowly when on battery and not on power. Malicious software could also be a cause of slow system performance hence a computer scan can be very essential. 11. When Boots to safe mode The safe mode boot option is available prior to starting the operating system. When you presses F8, you receive a menu of advanced options from where one can choose to boot one's computer in safe mode. By using the safe mode boot for operating system, we can enable network drivers among other functions. Booting through the safe mode may not boot the desktop but takes us directly to the command prompt rather than graphics display. 12.When File fails to open In a Windows operating system, all files normally have distinct file extensions such as .docs and .ppt. A file with a specific file extension can only be opened by an application designed to open it. Trying to open a file whose file extension is not compatible with a certain program can result into an error message of the file failing to open.Installation of the specific application to open specific file extensions can be a solution. In other cases, some modifications can be made on the applications inside Windows. 13.When Missing NTLDR Missing NTLDR message is very common on older versions of Windows such as the Windows XP operating system. NTLDR files are very crucial and highly important boot files for computer and their deletion means that system will not start. Tofix this , start the computer with a boot disk so that one can copy back the deleted files onto the hard drive, then carry out a system restart and the Windows operating system begins to run. 14.Missing Boot.ini The missing operating system message appears when trying to access a drive that is configured as a boot device but with the absence of a boot loader in computer. With such an error message, go to the recovery console environment and run the check disk command to check if the OS is in computer. In other case, just carry out updates on the Master Boot Record . 15.Missing operating system When the operating system is not installed or it is corrupted, then this message appears and this message indicates that it is about the installation of new windows. 16.Missing Graphical Interface The missing graphical interface normally results into a dark screen where Windows does not start up. User interfaces and login screens are absent and therefore there could be a problem with the video system. We can fix this by updating the video driver or start the system in graphics mode for lower resolution graphics so as to get to a point of loading the new drivers. 17.Graphical Interface fails to load The graphical interface probably fails to load due to the absence of the necessary graphics drivers or a problem with the video hardware. In such a case, try updating the video drivers or install a new version of the drivers. 18.Invalid boot disk The invalid boot disk error message mainly appears when there is a problem with operating system's boot order. To fix this make sure that no USB device is plugged in since the BIOS might be configured to boot from external USB devices instead of the local drive. In addition, you can make modifications onto the BIOS configuration so as to modify the devices that should boot first on computer. 19. Troubleshooting physical layer problems: Troubleshooting server problems is to determine whether the physical layer is functioning properly. This includes the server computer hardware, any attached peripherals, and the cabling. Switching out network cards or cables will help you identify whether the hardware is at fault. For testing long runs of cable that can’t be easily switched, use a cable tester or multimeter. If you have recently added new hardware to the server, check it’s compatible with the operating system and also check the correct drivers installed for your new hardware. 20. Traffic control: Troubleshooting addressing and routing problems. After you eliminate the suspected hardware check the operating system configuration. The typical business network runs on TCP/IP, and incorrect TCP/IP settings can result in addressing and routing problems. If you have connectivity problem, always try pinging another system by both name and IP address. If your server is “out of touch” when attempting to communicate by host name but is able to connect to other computers by IP address, check its DNS settings, WINS settings, and/or HOSTS and LMHOSTS files. Check the server’s TCP/IP settings are correct. TCP/IP settings have been known to mysteriously change, for example, when you install an application. The most common situation is that the server’s TCP/IP configuration is reset to make the computer a DHCP client. In most cases, servers should have static IP addresses. You may not notice the problem with a file or print server, but if your DNS server or domain controller’s configuration is changed, your clients will experience problems. 21. Check for application logs:On a Windows server, check the application log (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer) for application-related errors. 22. Check for printer server problems: Check whether the printing device attached to the print server computer,the configuration of the print server, the physical connections between printer and server or server and network and the configuration of the client. Check that the printing device is working and all connections are secure and correct printer drivers are installed. Check that the print spooler service is running and to find plenty of disk space on the server for spooling. Check the permissions set on the printer. If your network is a Windows 2000 or .NET domain, check group policy settings for printers. 23. Check for Terminal Services problems: In a Windows 2000/.NET domain, check group policy and individual users’ account properties in Active Directory if users are unable to connect to the terminal server or are unexpectedly disconnected. Check the Terminal Services configuration settings (Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Terminal Services Configuration). Make sure that the terminal server is running in Application mode; otherwise, only administrators can connect, and you can only have two active sessions at a time. Make sure that you have set up a Terminal Services license server and that you have sufficient licenses. 24. Check for dial-up/remote access server problems: A remote access server allows clients to dial in to connect to your network or establish a connection through a VPN over the Internet. If clients are unable to connect to your remote access server, check the general connectivity issues · Check that remote access services are installed and configured on your server and the service is started. • Check dial-in, PPTP, and/or L2TP ports are enabled to accept inbound remote access calls. • Check that the remote access server is configured to allow connections on the protocols that are being used by the remote clients such as IP, IPX, AppleTalk, or NetBEUI.


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